A place of awakening

Ananda exists to help people grow spiritually. Whether you are seeking more peace in your life, or a deeper connection with God, Ananda offers support and friendship for your spiritual journey. The emphasis is on the individual quest for Self-realization, the unifying reality behind all spiritual traditions. Ananda is one of the oldest and largest centers for meditation in the Bay Area, and has trained thousands of students over the past 40 years. Explore these in teachings in depth, through Sunday services weekly at 10, classes offered nearly every night of the week and Saturday mornings. You can also enjoy many classes posted to YouTube, and live-streamed Sunday services at 10 PST.

A center for meditation, yoga, and spiritual community

Are you seeking inner peace? Wanting to find purpose and meaning in life? Perhaps you have had questions about God, or are seeking a deeper connection with the Divine. For forty years, Ananda has helped thousands of people in the Bay Area to achieve these goals. We offer support and friendship for your spiritual journey. What you’ll find at Ananda:

Learn how to meditate

Ananda is one of the largest and oldest meditation centers in northern California. Skilled instructors with personal life-long practices will help guide you, from sitting comfortably to learning how to calm the mind and the heart. Whether your interest is meditation as a spiritual practice, or for stress reduction and health, you will feel at home in an Ananda meditation class.

The ancient teachings of Yoga

Yoga means “union”. It’s an ancient and powerful tool for spiritual development. We offer a 12-week immersion in the science of Raja Yoga starting in January each year. Learn a comprehensive approach to life that develops personal character, inner strength, and a calm, compassionate heart. Unlike most religious philosophies, Raja Yoga does not ask you to believe a dogma; you are encouraged to test its teachings in the laboratory of your life.

Yoga postures are one aspect of Raja Yoga. Ananda Yoga is a gentle, inward practice that gives strength and flexibility, and is an ideal preparation for deep meditation. Ananda’s Yoga Center offers a full schedule of drop-in classes for beginners and advanced students.

Truths shared by the great religions

Sunday services include comparative readings and talks from the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita. The emphasis is on the underlying truths shared by the great religions, rather than differences.

The teachings at Ananda were brought to the West by Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi. His direct disciple, Swami Kriyananda, founded Ananda in 1968 as the fulfillment of Yogananda's dream of spiritual communities — a place where people could live, work and serve together in a spiritually supportive environment. (more about Yogananda’s spiritual lineage, including Babaji and Christ)

Swami Kriyananda devoted more than 60 years of his life to serving his guru. Ananda is an expression of that loving service. Ananda shares the teachings of Yogananda through his own writings and lectures, and through Swami’s writings, beautiful music, and lectures.

People share...


“During the service, I experienced a wonderful peace and stillness, such as I have only read about, and until then, felt was only attainable by the great saints. It was a tangible experience of God’s presence in my life. You have taught me how to find God within, and have been truly divine friends along the way. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”
— J.N., Mountain View


“The music blew me away. The chanting is beautiful, and there is other music that they sing at every service. It’s as powerful as Asha’s talks. I found out there was a kirtan every Friday night, and I try to go whenever I can. I’d practiced Buddhism before, and I found the joy and devotion at Ananda have taken me to a new place, spiritually.”
—Barbara C., Family Therapist


“I was always looking for truth that was nondenominational — the real Truth behind all the different religions all saying their way was the only way. I gave up looking for awhile, but then I went to an Ananda Sunday satsang. I liked the people right away. There was something happy and calm in their faces. When I heard Asha speak, I knew I’d found what I’d been looking for.”
—Andre R., professional ballet dancer


“I was under tremendous stress at work. I knew meditation and yoga would help me, but I was reluctant to get involved with any organized group. I did finally go to a class, and was surprised to find that the people I met were completely normal. The only difference was that they were pretty joyful and calm. They didn’t pressure me to do anything more, which I appreciated. I would have run out the door, otherwise. I’ve been coming for years now, and it’s still the same. Only I’m calmer and more joyful, too.
—Robert B., Artist


“My husband was having surgery for a life-threatening medical condition, and I was a nervous wreck. While pacing the hospital grounds, I saw a guide to Ananda programs. The photo on the cover attracted me.Later I learned it was an Indian yoga teacher, Yogananda. But at that moment, all I knew was that those eyes understood what I was going through. That week, I called and signed up for a meditation class. I wasn’t looking for anything like this. But when I found it, somehow my soul let me know, this was home.” 
—Kristina S., retired

Reconnected with myself...

“I’d meditated on and off for years. When I was meditating, I felt a deep connection with myself and the world around me. But I didn’t stay with it.One day, I learned that Ananda was offering meditation classes, not only for beginners, but ongoing meditation classes that would take me much deeper. And I could meditate regularly with others. The personal training I received from long-time meditators was such a big help. I feel connected now with a part of myself I had lost for years. 
—Elizabeth O., Administrator